Health and Wellness

Your Partner in Tailored Benefit Solutions

Wellness is the Key to Productive, Long-Term Employees.

We offer comprehensive and effective wellness programs with quantifiable results that are affordably tailored to fit the needs of your company. Working with your carrier and your staff, we will help you design a program to fit your employees’ specific needs through exercise, stress management, healthy eating, and tobacco cessation.

Regular physical activity is one of the most effective behaviors to reduce acute or chronic illnesses. Improved health supports greater productivity, reduced absenteeism, and decreased costs from worker’s compensation and disability claims.

Corporate Fitness Trainer provides:

  • In-depth workshops on body mechanics, yoga, and stretching– to limit job injuries
  • Illustrated diagrams of proper movement techniques to prevent injury– specific to job
  • Company-specific fitness articles
  • Online personal health coach
  • Posters for break room & webinars

Help your employees reduce and manage stress at work. Emphasize wellness and healthy behaviors, and create a culture of support:

  • Promote Mental Health benefits.
  • Assess needs through individual questionnaires.
  • Utilize the Corporate Fitness Trainer for stress relief integration, focused on exercise and fitness.

In North Carolina, two-thirds of all adults are overweight or obese. This directly impacts businesses. Increasing body mass index (BMI) is associated with greater costs to employee health plans– obese workers incur up to 21% higher health care costs compared to those of healthy weight. Your wellness plan may include:

  • A Nutritionist consultation (lunch-n-learns and integrating organics into budget-minded family meals)
  • Healthy lunches and break room options
  • Posters and Webinars.

Tobacco use is costly for employers. Offering employees a cessation benefit can lead to cost savings within the first year after implementation. Engage your employees in the workplace by setting up a supportive environment for smoking cessation:

  • Establish a smoke-free workplace & grounds
  • Explain prescription benefits, in detail
  • Utilize tobacco cessation counselling, which includes physician and telephone support.